WordPress 3.7 Released – Time to Update!

Yesterday Matt Mullenweg announced the release of WordPress 3.7. Known as “Basie”, adds a fantastic new feature that allows maintenance and security updates to be applied in the background.

WordPress 3.7 Updated

Strong password recommendations have also been integrated into the core. The new set up apparently recognises common mistakes that make a password weaker such as number patterns (12345) or names (David, Kevin, Thomas etc).

Password Strength

3.7 also includes improved search results. Previous versions only ordered search results by date. WordPress will now see how well a search query matches a post. This version also improves support for localised versions of WordPress.

So you all know the drill by now. Get updating :)


I am an experienced blogger who has been working on the internet since 2000. On this blog, I talk about WordPress, internet marketing, YouTube, technology and travelling.
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