Kevin Muldoon

Blogging With John Chow

If you’ve ever searched for the term ‘Making Money Online’, you’ll know who John Chow is. John was one of the first people to make a personal blog profitable and within two years of launching it he was making $40,000 a month. What a lot of people don’t realise is …


How To Forward Emails To Yourself For A Later Date

Whilst many people use task management services to manage their work online, I use email to manage the tasks I have online. In Gmail, you can do this by creating folders and filing tasks in these folders or using the Google Tasks feature. I prefer to simply leave emails that …


Beep Beep

The Importance Of A Good Internet Connection

After electricity and running water, the internet has become the most important utility for most people in the western world. The home telephone and television are still relevant to many people though both have been replaced somewhat by the internet. I removed the phone line from my home a few …


How To Control What Type Of Ads Are Displayed Through Google Adsense

About 8 or 9 years ago I started creating a lot of poker and gambling related content websites and discussion forums. I had gotten into the market earlier than most people so was able to make a lot of money through referrals. Like many website owners, I tried Google Adsense …


Why I’m Relaunching This Blog And Why You Should Subscribe

If you’re came to this website, you’ve probably came across a blog post or feature length article that I’ve written for another website and wanted to know a little more about me. If you know nothing about me or my work online, I encourage you to have a quick read …


How To Manage Your SkyDrive Account From Your Computer

Formally known as Windows Live Folders, SkyDrive is a free file hosting service that Microsoft have been pushing heavily over the last year. I’ve been aware of the service for quite some time as whenever a friend sends me a photo to my Hotmail account, it’s usually been uploaded to …


You Need To Give Writers Freedom To Write

Every blogger works differently. As a blog owner I have come across various blogging traits, different routines and different levels of experience. Most inexperienced bloggers need you to walk them through everything. Specifically, new bloggers ask you exactly what type of article they should write. I can understand the concerns …


Twitter Gets A New Design

I read on Time Magazine that Twitter is rolling out a new redesign over the new few weeks. People generally fear change, so whenever a large social media service such as Twitter or Facebook changes the user experience slightly, there are a lot of complaints. I’m quite impressed with the …


Writers Required for Health Website

Within the next few weeks I will be launching an information website on Acne. A writer is currently writing the main information articles for the site and should complete this task within the next week. The site will also feature a blog, which will be updated regularly. I am therefore …


Bloggers Needed for UK Gaming Site

I have recently launched a UK gaming related website. As such, I am looking for a British blogger to post 3 times a week on the site. The successful applicant will be paid $10 per 500 word article though any feature articles or more in depth articles would be paid …