
Wax On, Wax Off

Go on Mr Miyagi!! Daniel San would be so proud!

Tattoo Locations

Found this pic on and thought I would share it with you all :)

When you see it….

Pay attention and you’ll see what I’m talking about :)

The Trilogy Meter

It’s suprisingly accurate :) * Courtesy of Narelle :)

Would You Use This Toilet?

Have a look at the toilet below….bit radical isn’t it. The question is, would you use it? But have a look at the inside of the toilet, would you still use this toilet?

Wanna Buy Seinfelds House?

If you have a spare $6.3 million lying around, you may be interested in Jerry Senifelds Los Angeles house. Don’t think I’ll bother making a bid. Although it has three bedrooms and five bathrooms, it only has space for 4 cars in the garage. What am I supposed to do …