WordPress Theme Frameworks

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Frameworks are used by designers and WordPress developers as a foundation for unique website designs. They are usually used as a parent theme for other designs, however sometimes they are simply modified by users to suit their needs.

This page lists some of the best WordPress theme frameworks that are on the market today.



Gantry is a free WordPress framework that was developed by Rocket Theme. It is a fast and lightweight solution and comes packaged with its own drag and drop layout manager.

A version of the framework is also available for the Joomla platform.

Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Retailing at $59.95, Genesis is a minimal framework that features custom page templates, support for the WordPress theme customiser, a customisable header, and more.

There are hundreds of child themes available from the developer StudioPress and from third-party designers. This is one reason why
Genesis is one of the most popular WordPress theme frameworks on the market.



First launched in 2008, Thesis is available for $87. It features a unique template and skinning system that makes creating unique WordPress themes a breeze.

Their boxes feature works in a similar way to drag and drop page builders. It allows you to add any type of content to your pages.

WordPress Page Builder Framework

WordPress Page Builder Framework

A WordPress framework that was designed specifically to work alongside use drag and drop page builders like Beaver Builder and Divi. It was designed to be user-friendly for beginners and developers alike.

It is a minimal framework that has fantastic support for the WordPress theme customiser.

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