I came across a cool webpage the other day which uses your webcam to take a snapshot of you in an ascii format. I recommend checking it out.

Link : Amazing Instant Ascii Cam
Before I launched this blog in October last year I was undecided whether to use the domain System0.net or my own name Kevin Muldoon.com. I finally decided to use the domain System0 as I thought most posts would be related to my web projects and so it felt more appropriate to use than my own … Read more
For the last year or so I have been blogging at my company home page System0.net. A lot of my posts have been personal recently or completely unrelated to my developments with System0 so I thought I would use my domain KevinMuldoon.com, which I have owned for several years. So here is what I have … Read more
I came across a cool webpage the other day which uses your webcam to take a snapshot of you in an ascii format. I recommend checking it out.
Link : Amazing Instant Ascii Cam
I’m not a fan of comics but I remember watching Spiderman when I was a kid and used to love it. My friend Joe sent a link to this video tonight so I thought I’d pass it on. The video below shows some highlights from the original Spiderman TV show, entitled ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’. Enjoy … Read more
After enjoying a strong British Pound for a year or so, the strength of the Britiains currency has been hit hard in the last few months. This really hit home a few weeks ago when I was over in Dublin. The cheapest drink I bought was €5.50 however most drinks cost €7 or more, particularly … Read more
I came across some great videos on YouTube today. Some guy has remade some classic Radiohead using 8 bit sound. He’s did it really well too, you can just imagine playing some cheesy nintendo nes platform game with this in the background! Paranoid Android Creep
I got back yesterday morning after a great weekend in Ireland. It was great catching up with all my friends. We went out in Bray on Friday and Sunday night and on the Saturday we stayed out in the city centre of Dublin. I didn’t take many pictures but my friends did. However, here is … Read more
I’ve been incredibly busy in the last week sorting some things for a big trip I am going on. I will tell you all more about this next week when I have time as I’m up early tomorrow morning to head to Dublin for the weekend. More specifically, I will be staying in Bray (which … Read more