Finding the right hosting company for your website can be a difficult task. You need to find a hosting company that not only matches your budget, but also meets your hosting requirements for storage, speed, uptime and security.
Someone who knows a lot about this is Jerry Low. I got to know Jerry last year after writing a couple of blog posts for him. He’s a great guy and knows all there is to know about hosting a website. His main website online is WebHosting Secret Revealed; a hosting information website that features hosting guides, reviews and coupons. Uptime reports are coming soon too.
Beginners would be best off to start off with the fifteen point checklist for choosing the right web hosting. The article gives you a good overview of the features you should be looking for in a hosting company.
![WebHosting Secret Revealed](
The top ten page lists the most popular web hosts online. The vast majority of the companies that are listed there sell hosting plans from around $2 to $6 per month. Likewise, the companies chosen as the top five are all in this price range too (excluding WP Engine). It is therefore fair to say that WebHosting Secret Revealed is a website that is targeted towards people who are launching their first website or blog.
I have never really been a big advocate of using comparison tables to make purchases. I feel that they are useful for quickly comparing the features of a hosting company, however they do not paint the whole picture.
![Top Ten Web Hosts](
There are currently twenty six reviews currently on the site. Most hosting companies are given a rating out of five at the end of the review. The first thing I noticed from the main review page is that there are several companies who only have two or three stars out of five. All reviews are around one thousand to two thousand words in length, with reviews also listing all features of the hosting plan at the right hand side of the page.
In order to test each company effectively, Jerry tries out each service. He looks closely at the strengths and weaknesses of all of their features including value, money back guarantees, speed, and more. One of the most important things he checks when he is testing a service is uptime.
Just about every hosting company online promises to deliver 99.99% uptime. The truth is that very few do. The reviews on WebHosting Secret Revealed examine how good uptime was over a period of seven days. Granted, every hosting company experiences downtime at one point, so you would need to test a web hosting company over several months to get accurate results of this test. Still, it is good to see a review incorporate this data rather than just regurgitating facts and figures that were copied from the website.
Check out the review of InMotion to see an example of one of their reviews.
![An Example of an Uptime Test](
WebHosting Secret Revealed is a great resource for people who are looking to develop their website, and for those that only need a basic hosting plan for their website. I encourage you to check the site out if you are considering switching host.
* This article was a sponsored review.