You all know that when I am choosing a new design for a website, I use premium WordPress designs 99% of the time. This is partly due to the great number of premium designs available and partly due to the support that you get with a paid product.
Today, I am here to show you that you can develop a professional looking website using a free WordPress theme. This post lists one hundred of the best free WordPress themes for use in 2014. I hope you enjoy the list.
1. Sensitive
2. Ribbon
3. Ward
4. Hueman
5. Cirrus
6. Playbook
7. Boast
8. Writr
9. Pinboard
10. Viper
11. Tempera
12. Journal Box
13. Sixteen
14. Dusk To Dawn
15. Portal
16. Inkzine
17. Celestial – Lite
18. Eclipse
19. Weaver II
20. Limelight
21. Fizz
22. Sonorous
23. Destro
24. BrightNews
25. Expound
26. Magazino
27. Fruitful
28. Pilot Fish
29. iRibbon
30. Gadgetry
31. Church
32. Murmur
33. Asteria Lite
34. Diary
35. x2
36. Buzz
37. Infinitano
38. Analytical Lite
39. Spun
40. WP Opulus
41. Tourmaline
42. Point
43. Discover
44. Snapshot
45. Virtue
46. iFeature
47. GamePress
48. Great
49. Catch Everest
50. Unite
51. Hero
52. SimpleCorp
53. ColorWay
54. Clean Retina
55. Boot Store
56. Accentbox
57. WP Simple
58. BlackBird
59. Attitude
60. Travel Lite
61. Pinboard
62. Supernova
63. Bearded
64. Time
65. Theron Lite
66. ZeeTasty
67. Corpo
68. Pinbin
69. GreenChili
70. The Newswire
71. Customizr
72. Themia Lite
73. evolve
74. Catch Evolution
75. WP Barrister
76. JustBlue
78. Zenith
79. ZeeFocus
80. Launcher
81. Medicine
82. BlogoLife
83. Alexandria
84. Bloggie
85. Origin
86. Quiescent
87. Tonic
88. Groovy
89. Cornrows
90. Beauty & Clean
91. BizStudio Lite
92. Clippy
93. zeeBizzCard
94. Andrina Lite
95. Parabola
96. zeeBusiness
97. Responsive
98. Response
99. Delighted
100. Codium Grid
What is your favourite free WordPress theme? Please feel free to share it in the comment area :)