How to Get Free Products

Would you like to get valuable products sent to you every week free of charge? It is easier than you think. All you have to do is review products online and build up an audience. That’s it.

Every week, I get hundreds of dollars worth of products sent to me free of charge. Some companies contact me through this website, some companies see my profile on Amazon, others find me via my technology YouTube channel.

The concept is simple. Companies send me these products free of charge in exchange for me reviewing them. It’s that simple.

Check out my video below to learn more about how it all works.

How to Get Free Products Online

Keep reading for a more detailed explanation of how it all works.

Getting “Free” Products is Easy

Getting free stuff on the internet is easy. A quick search on a search engine or social media platform like Facebook or Twitter will bring up competitions, online surveys, rewards for sign ups, free trials, product samples and more. Websites such as Swagbucks offer a combination of all of these.

Of course, no matter how companies market it, nothing on the internet is technically “Free”.

It takes time to participate in competitions and surveys, so you always have to weigh up whether the hoops that a company wants you to jump through are worthwhile. Companies frequently offer freebies as they want your personal information, which is why it is best to create an email address specifically for these campaigns as it prevents spam being sent to an email address you use.

Companies such as Swagbucks will pay you in gift cards for participating in online surveys.

Unfortunately, most of the “Free” products that are offered by companies are cheap and worth less than ten bucks. In my opinion, it just isn’t worth your time taking part in these campaigns as the reward is so low (though I do appreciate others prefer these campaigns as they are quicker to enter).

If you want to be sent good products that have value, you need to give companies exposure. You can do this by reviewing their products on websites and YouTube channels. Companies may also approach you if you are active on Amazon too (though this goes against Amazon’s terms and conditions, so be careful).

Yes, it does take longer to write a good review than it does to just enter your name and email address, but wouldn’t you prefer to have something valuable than something you will throw away?

Building an Audience

No company or seller is going to send you products for review if you don’t have an audience.

I could write a dozen articles on building an audience on a website or social media platform, but I truly believe the best way to build your profile as a good reviewer is to just start reviewing products you own or have just purchased.

You can do this by:

  • Creating video reviews for your YouTube channel
  • Publishing detailed image and video reviews on Amazon
  • Writing detailed reviews for your website (this is a great way to generate affiliate commissions too!)

Please bear in mind that it will take time to build up your reviewer profile. It will not happen overnight.

You need to take the time to write high-quality reviews that give an honest opinion of the product. It can be tempting to rush out short reviews in order to increase the number of reviews you have published, however I strongly believe that one high-quality review will raise your profile more than 20 short reviews will.

Reaching Out to Advertisers

If you publish good reviews on a regular basis, advertisers will approach you to review their products.

In the beginning, you may want to accept all review requests as it will allow you to publish more reviews and raise your profile further, but once you have established yourself as a good reviewer, you can be more selective.

Every day I get approached to review products on my website and YouTube channels, but I am at the point now where I turn down most requests. Most requests are turned out because the products are not relevant to what I do online or because the items are cheap.

I recommend approaching companies and asking to review products too. Whether you get a positive response or not depends on many factors, however in my experience, the vast majority of companies do not even reply to emails and those that do often want guarantees of exposure.

Other companies simply refuse to deal with reviewers that do not have a massive audience.

For example, a few years ago I invested a few thousand pounds in microphones and other audio equipment. It was a big investment, so I reached out to a dozen or so companies and asked whether they would give a discount in exchange for giving them a mention in my reviews. I only got one email reply and the company said that whilst they appreciated the offer, they only dealt with YouTubers with over 50,000 subscribers.

Please bear in mind, however, that the products I was purchasing were expensive. As you would expect, you will get a better response from companies when products costs less than $100.

So what is the best way to get more products sent to you for review?

If you want to maximise the number of quality products you review, I recommend publishing detailed reviews as this will increase the number of advertisers and sellers that approach you. You can expand this further by contacting suitable companies directly.

Final Thoughts

I hope you now have a better understanding as to how reviewers like myself are sent products every week for review.

Please remember, however, that these products aren’t really free. Companies will frequently approach you with “Free Products” as if they are doing you a favour, but you should always remember that you are giving them cheap exposure and it will take you time to test products and produce good reviews.

Thanks for reading.


I am an experienced blogger who has been working on the internet since 2000. On this blog, I talk about WordPress, internet marketing, YouTube, technology and travelling.
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