Blogging Platforms

There are a number of blogging platforms available to bloggers. You need to decide which one suits your needs.Many blogging solutions are hosted by a third party company, some are free (e.g. Blogger); some will cost you a fee (e.g. Squarespace). If you want complete control over your blog, it …


My Journey to Find the Right Hosting Solution

This is a detailed story of my experiences over the last week to find the right hosting solution for my online business. It is a long article, however those of you who thinking about changing your host should enjoy it. Most people love their hosting company….until something goes wrong. Sadly, …


Why I’m Publishing My Upcoming Book Through Amazon

The development of my forthcoming book ‘The Art of Freelance Blogging’ has been stalled for close to a month now. I had been thinking of writing a book on freelancing blogging for a long time but I didn’t start working on it until late November 2012. After writing about 13,000 …


Script hunting for food and water

In the last two weeks I have spent a lot of time emailing companies to arrange partnerships for games and affililiation with my poker forums. I quickly realised how time consuming emailing can be – you take the time to write the email, they reply not answering some of the …