Month: July 2008

Google Street View Coming To UK

Well it looks like Google’s Street View is coming to the UK. Expect to see a small bald fat man with a camera the length of his arm at a street near you pretty soon. This will be followed by months of stories of privacy invasions, complaints and more. Personally, …


YouTube gets sued for $779 million

Looks like YouTube is going to get taking to the cleaners. I don’t see how they will get out of this one. They have been showing copyrighted clips online with adsense ads at the side. They do remove copyrighted videos but it’s claimed they have been too slow and in …


Amazon Launches PayPal Competitor

I’ve read a few articles today about the launch of Amazon’s new payment system. Their payment system allows developers to use Amazons back end. I for one welcome. According to the New York Times there are 81 million customers in the USA with their credit card details in the amazon …


Google has indexed over 1 trillion web pages

Google reported the other day that their servers have now indexed over 1,000,000,000,000 URL’s. Compare this with 26 million pages when they launched in 1998 and one billion in 2000. It’s a pretty good estimate on how much the web has grown in the last 10 years. I see no …


Why do software companies keep bundling crap with their scripts?

I switched on my pc this morning to see that I had a message from Sun to update my Java. They update quite frequently so I didn’t think anything of it. When I was skipping through the steps of the installation I noticed that they had an option to install …


Lesbos locals lose lesbian appeal

I finally got off my ass and did some work today. I arrived back from my 2 weeks holiday in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, on Sunday night. Yesterday was pretty much a write off with regards to work as I hadn’t slept much Friday and Saturday night so my body was …