Note Taking & Research

Great articles usually take a while to develop. This is why research is such an important part of blogging. Taking notes regularly will ensure that your articles are detailed and informative. After The Deadline A spell checker, style checker and grammar checker; all rolled into one. It can be installed …


Blogging Platforms

There are a number of blogging platforms available to bloggers. You need to decide which one suits your needs.Many blogging solutions are hosted by a third party company, some are free (e.g. Blogger); some will cost you a fee (e.g. Squarespace). If you want complete control over your blog, it …


Website Hosting

Reliable hosting is an essential part of running any internet business. In this page, we list some of the most popular hosting companies around. Be sure to check out my website hosting guide for a more extensive list of website hosting services. Shared Hosting The following hosting companies offer basic …