Make Money with Niche Websites Using IntelliTheme

Joseph Magnotti and Justin Cooke from Adsense Flippers recently released their WordPress theme IntelliTheme. They were kind enough to send me a test copy for review so today I’d like to walk you through what the theme does and how it can help you make money online. Justin and Joseph …


I sold BloggingTips

The other day I sold, one of my main sites and one which I have founded close to 3 years ago. I listed the site for just before Christmas though the auction only ended at the start of this week. I was happy with the sale. Not only did …


Azoogle Ads Support Sucks Balls

I’ve been doing a bit of research into PPC marketing recently. I have promoted affiliate products for close to 10 years now but I have mostly did this through websites rather than just landing pages and PPC marketing. So I tried to sign up to Azoogle Ads 2 weeks ago …


Twit vs Twat

A week ago , popular blogger and online market Jim Kukral launching a marketing experiment called TwitterMeThis. Basically, TwitterMeThis is an experiment by Jim to see how the Twitter media can be used. He has asked people to follow the TwitterMeThis account at Twitter and periodically he asks his followers …