Good Things Come to Those Who Podcast

Think about the last time you read a blog post. Were you driving to work? Washing dishes? Working out? Probably not. Or at least, I hope not, especially while driving! What if I asked you the same question about listening to a podcast? Podcasts rock when it comes to convenience. …


SocialBro: Logo

4 Ways to Increase Twitter Engagement Using SocialBro

Yet another tool that promises to help increase Twitter engagement, SocialBro might just be the most feature-filled one yet. They call themselves the “#1 Marketing Platform for Twitter”. They might be right. However, looking as how I thought I’d need professional help to figure SocialBro out, I think their target …


Followerwonk Logo

Optimize Your Twitter Account with Followerwonk

Watching your Twitter follower count grow is a bit of an ego boost. But if you’re selling a product or a service, it’s useless to have 100, 1000, or 10,000 followers unless you’re leveraging that audience. Followerwonk is one of the more powerful tools that can help you get the most …


7 Powerful Tools to Overhaul Your Online Marketing Strategy

There comes a point in every digital marketer’s life where one must graduate from an amateur to a professional. Once you’ve fully grasped the foundation concepts of marketing, learned the inner workings of the best digital strategies and platforms that work for your business and figured out what metrics are …


SEO, Analytics & Analysis

Analytical applications and services help you see how your blog is performing against your competition. Search engine optimisation services provide additional information on what keywords you rank for and how you can improve your ranking. By knowing where your blog stands, you can plan your future articles and promotions. Ahrefs …


Case Study: The Relaunch of Martial Arts Videos

Case studies are a great way of illustrating a process and showing others what can be done. Today I would like to share with you all a detailed breakdown of my relaunch of my website Martial Arts Videos. Those of you who are launching a new blog, or relaunching an …