12 Admin Themes For WordPress

The WordPress admin area got a new lick of paint last year, however the interface has not changed much in many years. In many respects, the admin area looks dated when compared to other blogging platforms such as SquareSpace and Ghost. As you would expect, there are many plugins available …


The Chinese Super City

Population is going to be a hot topic over the next 50 years. It is scary to think about how quickly countries are growing around the world. There are currently over 7 billion people on this planet. When I was born in 1979, the population was just under 4.4 billion. …


The Traits & Habits of Successful Bloggers

Blogging is an easy thing to learn but a hard thing to master. This is something that millions of bloggers learn after starting their own blog. The reality is there is not short cut to blogging success. Despite what others may tell you, there is no secret formula that you …



Services of Kevin Muldoon

If you have a project that you think I would be suitable for, please contact me. I will do my utmost to reply to you with 48 hours. If for any reason I cannot help you with a particular task, I will try my best to recommend someone who can. …