Blog Editors

There are many benefits to using a blog editor to write and publish your content. Firstly, they allow you to save your content offline, which is useful to those who travel and those who have inconsistent internet connections. Secondly, many editors make the process of styling your content and uploading …


Video SEO for WordPress by Yoast

Today I would like to talk about the Video SEO for WordPress by Yoast; which is an extension of his popular WordPress SEO plugin. The plugin aims to increase search engine traffic to posts that have videos embedding in them by adding a video thumbnail in search results. It has …


Create a Heat Map for Free with HotSpots

Heat maps are a great way of seeing what areas of your site visitors are clicking. This information can be used to address problems on your site or improve certain areas. The most well known service that provides this is CrazyEgg. They provide a fantastic service however a website with …