Month: November 2007

Create an ebay turnkey site

ShoeMoney did a review this week of an ebay turnkey script called Build A Niche Store. Basically, for $97 you get a script which lets you create an ebay like store in under 30 minutes. After reading shoes review I decided to give it a try and paid for the …

READ MORE for sale

I am now looking to sell off websites which I own but no longer update or develop. The first of these is Freeroll Forums is a poker forum with 6000 members which at one point was incredibly busy however due to me travelling so much the last year or …


Enom bumps up prices again

I posted last month about ICANN increasing the prices of domain names across the net. Enom announced here that the price I pay for domains would increase from $6.95 a domain to $7.45. However, when I checked enom yesterday I noticed that I am now being charged $7.95 a domain …


Script hunting for food and water

In the last two weeks I have spent a lot of time emailing companies to arrange partnerships for games and affililiation with my poker forums. I quickly realised how time consuming emailing can be – you take the time to write the email, they reply not answering some of the …


A review of the last week – November 4th 2007

Well it’s Sunday! Which is as good a time as any to look back at what I have been doing the last week. In short, I haven’t done that much. I was doing a lot of training last week so my time at the pc was limited. On Tuesday, Wednesday …