Month: December 2014

8 Free SEO Tools to Spy on Your Competition

A well thought-out Search Engine Optimization Strategy can go a long way. But what happens when you’ve followed all the rules, optimized everything and you are still behind? Being the honest SEO guy (or girl) that you are, you decide to take a look at what your competitors are doing. …


Make Money with Traditionally Low Income Online Jobs

When we talk about the different ways to make money online, the hard truth is that most people who take the dive into building a website and selling their advice, products or services don’t make much money. In fact, according to a survey by Business Know How, almost 30 percent …


The Best Writing Websites to Make Your Content Pop

Are you interested in learning to become a better writer? It doesn’t matter what your profession or how you plan on making some money with this wonderful little tool we call the Internet–Quality writing helps you make your content more relatable and invigorating for the masses. That’s why we wanted …


Get Your First 1.000 Blog Visitors

The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Your First 1,000 Blog Visitors

Getting your blog to 1.000 visitors a month is your first step towards getting serious about blogging. Getting a domain helps. Setting up WordPress is useful. Having share buttons all over your blog is nice. But in the end, that’s not going to bring you traffic. Traffic that you can …


How I Cut My Freelance Transaction Costs by Thousands

Some of you are going to love me for this post, and some of you are going to hate me. Why? Because, I want to show you a way that could potentially cut your freelance transaction costs by hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. If you run a freelancing business, …


SEO Earth

Latest SEO Techniques and Trends

Search engines and SEO as a profession have come of age. Since the days of spammy content, keyword stuffing, unnatural links and other black-hat techniques, search engine optimization has evolved tremendously. In this time and era, you ought to be very careful when optimizing any site for search engines because …


Merry Christmas to All My Fantastic Readers

I cannot believe we have almost reached the end of the year already. Where does the time go? Like most years, this year I have seen many many ups and downs. This take positives from the gains I have made with this blog this year, but know I need to …


6 Ways to Improve Your Blog Posts

Every blogger wants to improve the quality of their writing. It is something which I strive to do every week. Last week, for example, I was discussing grammar books with blogger Heather Ash as we did not agree whether a particular way of using commas was grammatically correct. Today, I …


8 Reasons Freelance Bloggers are Not Finding Work

If you are willing to work hard, freelance blogging is a great entry point to making money online as you do not need a lot of technical skills to get started. One of the most common complaints I hear from aspiring bloggers is how difficult it is to find work. …


The Problems You Face When Hiring Bloggers

Freelance blogging has become a popular entry into making money online for a lot of people. This is understandable when you consider that you do not need any technical experience to get started. Nor do you need to invest any money to get going. It is a subject I have …