Internet Marketing

The Bad Side of SEO – Is it Still Dark in 2019?

One of the main purposes of creating a website is to gain exposure, but what happens if your site can’t be found by your target audience? Of course, that goes against your expectations and big thanks for web technologies, there are some great platforms, like Hostinger, who can help you …


SEO Words

SEO Tips For a Search Engine Friendly Website

The optimisation efforts you put forth on your website should all tie together in bettering the user experience. The different techniques vary, for both on-page and off-page SEO. Your web design provides a presentable front that represents your brand to the world and what you rank for is as important …


How I Research & Prepare Blog Posts

2018 was a year that I devoted most of my energy to video. This was necessary in order to establish the two YouTube channels I run, though I admittedly did enjoy spending more time recording videos after years of writing every day. A break from writing was long overdue. I …


Sorry, I Don’t Want to Promote Your Affiliate Program

Over the last few years I have moved away from affiliate marketing. I do still generate a few hundred dollars in affiliate commissions every month from previous reviews and through linking to shops such as Amazon from my YouTube channels; however, it is not something I devote a lot of …


3 Secrets To Writing Great Content For Your Website

Content is meant to educate, inspire and solve problems, but only a handful of visitors tend to consume at least a few hundred words of what your write most times. Writing successful content implies more than providing figures and data. What can you do to make visitors stay on your …


How to Develop Your Own Blogging Style

These days, we can find a blog online about pretty much anything that interests us, from politics to poker, football to fairytales. We’re drawn to reading blogs because of their friendly, chatty tone, which is usually distinctively different from the more formal tone of newspaper and magazine articles. Blogging is …


6 iPad Apps for Note-Taking and Writing

It is tricky to rely on memory alone to remember what you have read, heard or seen. According to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, we only recall 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see and 50% of what we see and hear. …


9 Useful Ways to Proofread Your Blog

Proofreading is the bane of any writer’s life. No matter how hard we try, a simple re-read of our work usually brings to light a plethora of mistakes we swear we didn’t make. However, as tedious as the process is, it’s a process that needs to be completed nonetheless. This …


Wix – A Big Company That Screws Affiliates

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me arguing with the website builder Wix this week. It is kind of a stretch to call it an argument as it was completely one sided. I was complaining and Wix were trying their best to appear like a professional …