How to fix the no sound problem in firefox

A few days ago I noticed that videos were not playing in sound in FireFox. My laptop was still playing sound ok through windows media player and internet explorer but not through FireFox. I checked my mixer panel via the sound icon and it said that sound was not working .This meant I couldn’t watch videos on youtube etc.

I checked on the web and it seems that thousands of other people have the same problem. However, there seemed to be dozens of different solutions and the first few I tried didn’t work.

Eventually I found a codec pack which seems to have fixed it. All you need to do is download a codec pack called codecs6030_allin1.exe, install it and then restart firefox. My laptop uses Vista so if you have a different operating system it may not work but I’d give it a try anyways.

Good luck :)


I am an experienced blogger who has been working on the internet since 2000. On this blog, I talk about WordPress, internet marketing, YouTube, technology and travelling.
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