Restarting the Blogging Engine

Restarting the Blogging Engine

Maintaining a successful blog is a lot like driving a steam train. It takes a lot of energy to get it going, but even when you’re on the right track, you need to keep adding fuel to the fire or it will eventually grind to a halt. Failure to follow …


Why I Removed Advertisements From My Blog

I first launched in 2002. At that point, I had been working online for a few years. Buying my name ensured that I held the domain name for my name and brand, however for the first few years I just used it as a CV type website which advised …


Backing Up My WordPress Website with BlogVault

Throughout December I addressed multiple hosting and website related issues. This includes migrating many websites from a dedicated server on OVH to Vultr, moving this website to Wetopi, and cancelling my VaultPress subscription. I had used VaultPress for several years to handle external website backups, however their service has went …


How I Research & Prepare Blog Posts

2018 was a year that I devoted most of my energy to video. This was necessary in order to establish the two YouTube channels I run, though I admittedly did enjoy spending more time recording videos after years of writing every day. A break from writing was long overdue. I …


Goodbye Blog Comments

When I first started blogging daily in the mid 2000s, comments were everything. They were a big indicator of a blog’s success and, from my point of view, it was always rewarding to hear from the people who read my articles. Back then, bloggers dictated the discussion point, but readers …


How to Develop Your Own Blogging Style

These days, we can find a blog online about pretty much anything that interests us, from politics to poker, football to fairytales. We’re drawn to reading blogs because of their friendly, chatty tone, which is usually distinctively different from the more formal tone of newspaper and magazine articles. Blogging is …


9 Useful Ways to Proofread Your Blog

Proofreading is the bane of any writer’s life. No matter how hard we try, a simple re-read of our work usually brings to light a plethora of mistakes we swear we didn’t make. However, as tedious as the process is, it’s a process that needs to be completed nonetheless. This …


4 Quick Tips on How to Be a More Productive Blogger

The goal of anyone who works online is to be productive with their time. You want to get the most you can from the time you’re sitting at the computer. Whether you class what I do online as blogging, content marketing, or affiliate marketing, the fact is I have been …