CodeLobster – A Powerful Free PHP Based IDE

An IDE is a piece of software that helps developers code and create websites. The acronym is derived from the longer term Integrated Development Environment. Typically, it contains tools such as a source code editor and a debugger. The purpose of an IDE is to streamline the development of languages …


The Best Tumblr Style WordPress Themes

With around 200 million hosted blogs and nearly 100 billion posts, Tumblr is one of the most popular blogging platforms on the internet. The microblogging style of blogging has proved very popular with bloggers who like to share videos, images, and audio. There are a lot of Tumblr style WordPress …


Computer Calendar

Why I Use Scrivener for Blog Planning

Managing a blog is very tedious, detailed work. Different pieces of a blog need tracking consistently, which is why most bloggers use editorial calendars. This type of tracking mechanism makes blogging work more manageable. There are several types of calendars; software-based, cloud-based and plug-ins. Deciding what is/is not needed in …


To Guest Blog or Not to Guest Blog- That is the Question

Matt Cutts, the head of the Webspam team at Google, declared guest blogging dead. There was much hand wringing and brow furrowing as the blogosphere went wild. At least that part of the blogosphere that concerns itself with matters like SEO and blogging was a little miffed. For example, there …


Website Backup Tools & Services

It is vital that you backup your website regularly. This will ensure you will not lose everything if your website is hacked or compromised in some way. The cheapest way to backup is to manually backup your database and files on a regular basis. A more practical solution is to …


Website Speed and Performance Optimisation

Speed benchmarking services help you test the performance of your website pages. They are a vital tool when optimising your website as their reports will tell you the size of your web pages, the time it takes pages to load, and the total number of requests. The great thing about …