Single Opt-In vs Double Opt-in

All email marketers will to have at least once decide whether to use a single opt-in or double opt-in for their email lists. A single opt-in means that once a visitor enters their email address into your subscription form and clicks the sign up button they are automatically on your …



Spotlight – The Instagram Engagement WordPress Plugin

Spotlight is a new social media plugin for WordPress that integrates Instagram into your website. Using Spotlight, you can automatically display your latest photographs and videos. This can increase engagement with your followers, attract new followers and expand your reach. The plugin allows you to connect multiple Instagram accounts and …


Don’t Grow an Email List – Buy One

Growing an email list is a tiring affair. You need to entice people in with free eBooks, competitions, and other free goodies. Even when you bait people in, it will probably still take years of adding content to your website in order to generate the traffic necessary to acquire a …


email open rates

10 Amazing Email Marketing Services for Bloggers

Email marketing is a popular way for bloggers to connect with readers and promote their products and services. It’s a key tool of affiliate marketers too. Regular readers will know that I have stopped sending out newsletters as I want to connect with people directly through my blog and through …


How Ninja Forms Quadrupled Subscription Renewals

The nature of business means that most people do not divulge exactly how their website or service makes money. This is why I always find it interesting when someone talks about the ins and outs of their business and share information that other website owners and entrepreneurs will find useful. …


Integrate MailChimp on Your Website with MailChimp Forms WD

Formed in 2001, MailChimp is a hugely popular email marketing platform with over 14 million customers. The service is particularly popular with bloggers. It is easy to understand why as MailChimp is free to use until you have gained a readership. They permit up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails …