Monstroid – A WordPress Theme on Steroids

Template Monster have been a big player in the template world since before WordPress was even launched. In fact, I started making money as an affiliate through promoting their designs way back in 2002 and I still earn commissions from referrals to this day. Although they sell over a thousand …


WordPress eCommerce Themes

41 Amazing WordPress eCommerce Themes

Since inception more than ten years ago, WordPress has gone from a simple blogging platform to a robust and fully-fledged content management system that can do all manner of things. I mean, you can build anything you want from a million-view news site such as CBS News to social networks …


Case Study: The Relaunch of Martial Arts Videos

Case studies are a great way of illustrating a process and showing others what can be done. Today I would like to share with you all a detailed breakdown of my relaunch of my website Martial Arts Videos. Those of you who are launching a new blog, or relaunching an …


Script hunting for food and water

In the last two weeks I have spent a lot of time emailing companies to arrange partnerships for games and affililiation with my poker forums. I quickly realised how time consuming emailing can be – you take the time to write the email, they reply not answering some of the …