Entering the World of Cryptocurrency

Those of you who follow me on my tech YouTube channel will know that I have ventured into the world of Cryptocurrency. It’s something I believe in and something which I enjoy. Without a doubt, digital currency is here to stay and I want to be more involved in it. …


6 iPad Apps for Note-Taking and Writing

It is tricky to rely on memory alone to remember what you have read, heard or seen. According to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, we only recall 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see and 50% of what we see and hear. …


Why Technical Writers Need Help Authoring Tools

Technical writers have quite a difficult job, as they need to explain how things work using their writing. Not only that, but they also need to adapt their content to the level of their readers, because explaining something you know to someone who doesn’t know anything about it is not …


Connect with Customers & Readers with SendPulse

SendPulse is an online marketing service that allows you to connect to people in a wide number of ways. Through their platform you can send out emails, text messages, and push notifications. They offer an SMTP server service too. The service uses artificial intelligence to increase open rates. They state …


How to Build a Company Blog that Succeeds

A blog is like planting an acorn. One day it will bring in hundreds of new leads every day, but in the meantime you need to spend time and money on it. Unlike social media channels, a blog takes time to generate results. Only optimists plant acorns. A company blog …