Looking for Suitable Affiliate Partners on ShareASale

Affiliate marketing can be a difficult thing to learn because those who are successful are reluctant to disclose exactly how they make money online. This is perhaps why income reports are so popular. You can learn a lot from these reports, but most bloggers and internet marketers are still a …


Improve Online Sales with WooCommerce Product Table

WooCommerce Product Table is a premium WooCommerce extension that allows you to display your products in an interactive table. Developed by the English company Barn2 Media, the plugin is responsive and has full support for custom taxonomies and custom fields. The product tables it creates look great and enhance the …


ARPrice – The Ultimate WordPress Pricing Table Plugin

Companies spend a lot of time tweaking their landing pages and testing results to see what helps increase sales and what does not. One of the most effective ways of increasing sales to your product or service is to adopt a professional looking pricing table. Pricing tables are common place …


Growing Your Blog’s ROI – Yes Blogs Can Be Profitable

There aren’t enough hours in your day to spend time growing your social connections as you know you should. There are many more effective ways of growing your social presence than spending hours on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. Bloggers are short of time, and need to make every minute count, …


MyBookTable WordPress plugin review

Create a Professional Book Sales Page with MyBookTable

As an author there’s no reason you shouldn’t try to sell as many books as you can through your website. With Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the Apple and Google Stores it seems like you have to post on dozens of websites just to reach all your potential readers. Think …


Are Apple Losing Their Grasp of the Tablet Market?

Apple recently announced the release of their new iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3. Many were underwhelmed by the launch of the iPad mini 3 as it is not a big upgrade over the previous version. Profits from iPads have dropped considerably. Does this mean that Apple are losing …


How to Remove Unused Tables From Your WordPress Database

Most WordPress plugins add additional tables to your WordPress website in order to save settings and data. Unfortunately, most plugins do not delete these tables once you have deactivated them and removed them from your website. Over time, this can result in your website database have dozens of tables that …